Small curved felt wallobject

World Comforter

With her felt wall sculptures Kitty Korver tried to comfort herself, as a sensitive person*, as well as you. With the soft, warm wool she made sleek, beautifully finished felt wall sculptures that offer security to the soul. Her own experiences are depicted, sometimes even carved into the shells. Often in all seriousness, another time with humor or in euphoria. But all hope to caress both the eyes and the mind while reducing acoustic stimuli in the room.
The addition of self-made bone china elements betray her experience in ceramics.
At this moment her heart is into the harp. She is trying to play this beautiful instrument.
* “Everything goes through me/ large felt wall sculpture no.9” ( about being a highly sensitive person)

The sound absorbing felt wall objects are ideally suited to improve and embellish your livingroom or other spaces in your house.
Photo Dave van Heeswijk.

For more information see chapter “About”

If you want to buy a work….
You can! That is still possible.
You can add a piece of comfort to your home, business or practice for between € 65,- and  € 800,- excluding shipping costs. Picking up a work in Twello is possible.
Look at the heading “available ……..” via heading “Work”.

Latest news

My work is included in the art magazine DeFKa Research SC No. 06 2023. It is available through and in Dutch and Belgian bookstores.

Photo art magazine DeFKa Research SC 2023/06

Photo art magazine DeFKa Research SC 2023/06

and see “exhibition calendar”

Large curved felt wallobject

See this link for a nice interview in Dutch with Kitty.

News/info letter

You can download (pdf) my latest newsletter here.

Bericht van de Wereldverzachter, zomer 2021

Bericht van de Wereldverzachter, voorjaar 2021

You can also fill in the form behind the link below to receive my next newsletter automatically in your mailbox.

Exhibition Calendar

Museum Lunteren

7 sept – 28 dec 2024

Kitty Korver, Rita van Ditzhuizen – schilderijen – en Marlies Jetses – keramiek –

Dorpsstraat 55, 6741 AB Lunteren

Di-Za 13.30-16.30

Kitty Korver


the Netherlands

© Copyright - Kitty Korver 2024